Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Up and Coming Thursday Appointment

Carl is doing all right. He has an appointment with the Endocrinologist Thursday morning. He is experiencing some symptoms that they say only 14 in 10,000 people should experience with this type of tumor. I am hoping we will find out some more on Thursday about what these symptoms mean. I think they have to take some more blood tests to see if the tumor has affected other hormone levels in his brain. I can tell it has affected them, that is for sure. We do not know if the tumor has done any permanent damage to the other hormones.

He has headaches from time to time. The PCP prescribed 500 mg of Vicodin for him. It did not seem to work well enough, so he is also now taking 800 mg of Ibuprofen. He gets vision problems from time to time where his right eye will get tunnel vision, then twitch like crazy, go blurry, and then return to normal. It is very strange.

He has had some temper problems, nothing serious. But, he said when he gets angry, he does not feel like Carl. He said it feels like something completely different. He can control it, but he snaps a lot easier right now. It really bothers him. Carl likes to say he is not worried. But, I think we all know better.

We should find out on Thursday if the Endocrinologist wants to go with one of three treatment options:
Medication, which could shrink the tumor – his tumor may be too large for medication
Radiation, which I am sure you know what can happen with radiation (hair loss, etc.)
Surgery (three options for surgery)
Through the back of the head
Through the gum line
Through the nasal passage

Amazingly enough, we put in a prayer request for him at church. The lady who "farms" the prayer requests out to the appropriate individuals called me herself yesterday. She just so happens to be married to a physician who specializes in the pituitary gland (God is amazing). She is getting some information from him and will get back with me about Neurosurgens and Endocrinologists.

God is definitely amazing.

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