Thursday, May 15, 2008

Someone from the website emailed me this about her tumor. So, now I don't know what any of this means and it's all new. but, I'm going to look it up:

"Please understand, ANY Pituitary Tumor, regardless if it is associated with Prolactin can venture outside the normal confines of the Sella Tursica... (styled like a Turkish Saddle), the Pituitary suspends in the Sella from the base of the brain, between the Optic Nerves, where they innersect.
As in my first Tumor, it was not confined to the Sella, it had pushed the Pituitary outside the Sella and grew into the Caverous, Sphenoid and Transverse Sinuses. Not all of the cells from the Tumor were extracted at the time of my initial surgery.

It would ADVISABLE to seek additional testing from a Neuro Opthamologist.. this of course could be discussed with your Endocrinologist."

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